In one day life as I had known it for years had changed. A precious life-my sweet brother, had been taken from me and life suddenly seemed a very hostile, fearful world. I felt unequipped and estranged from God. I didn't know God and didn't understand how He could allow this to happen.
At my brother's grave side service I challenged God to show me who He was. I challenged the Shepherd of Psalm 23 to prove to me He was indeed a loving God who cared for His children.
This book is about how the Lord taught me who He is. He has gathered me and my children to His breast, fed us and led us through many perilous places. At times I felt very alone and afraid. At times I felt lost. But in the valleys and through the struggles the Lord has become real to me and proven Himself to be everything and all that I need.
He is all we need
"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
Isaiah 40:11
In one day life as I had known it for years had changed. A precious life-my sweet brother, had been taken from me and life suddenly seemed a very hostile, fearful world. I felt unequipped and estranged from God. I didn't know God and didn't understand how He could allow this to happen.
At my brother's grave side service I challenged God to show me who He was. I challenged the Shepherd of Psalm 23 to prove to me He was indeed a loving God who cared for His children.
This book is about how the Lord taught me who He is. He has gathered me and my children to His breast, fed us and led us through many perilous places. At times I felt very alone and afraid. At times I felt lost. But in the valleys and through the struggles the Lord has become real to me and proven Himself to be everything and all that I need.
He is all we need
"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
Isaiah 40:11