"Health. Recklessly Abandoned" is designed to bring people up to date on research that is showing just how much impact we have on our own quality of life. Diseases that were once believed to be fate, or genetically programmed, are being shown to be more of a reflection of how we go about living. The human body does not make mistakes, it is only adapting to whatever lifestyle we subject it to. The power of genetic expression is driven by our nutritional intake, our physical activity, and what we are exposed to in the environment.
"Health. Recklessly Abandoned" is designed to bring people up to date on research that is showing just how much impact we have on our own quality of life. Diseases that were once believed to be fate, or genetically programmed, are being shown to be more of a reflection of how we go about living. The human body does not make mistakes, it is only adapting to whatever lifestyle we subject it to. The power of genetic expression is driven by our nutritional intake, our physical activity, and what we are exposed to in the environment.