In Volume 1 of the Max Krueger Adventure series, Max Krueger, tough ex-British Army officer and a former mercenary from the jungles of Africa is now operating his tugboat from the steamy wharves of Manaha, capital city of the turbulent South-East Asian island nation of Verubia. Hired to haul supplies to the remote location of director Marcus von Kleist’s latest movie-in-the-making, he discovers a sinister plot to flood Verubia with high-grade cocaine. In cahoots with the tricky Colonel ‘Diablo’ Fernandez, Manaha’s Chief of Police, Krueger attempts to smash the drug ring, but he hasn’t taken into account the beautiful and wild women, the decadent Arab Sheik, the grim drug baron, and patriotic and hot-blooded Muslin chieftain he’ll meet along the way. It’s a sexy, sultry, sweltering tale of adventure that’s … “Hotter than Hell!”
In Volume 1 of the Max Krueger Adventure series, Max Krueger, tough ex-British Army officer and a former mercenary from the jungles of Africa is now operating his tugboat from the steamy wharves of Manaha, capital city of the turbulent South-East Asian island nation of Verubia. Hired to haul supplies to the remote location of director Marcus von Kleist’s latest movie-in-the-making, he discovers a sinister plot to flood Verubia with high-grade cocaine. In cahoots with the tricky Colonel ‘Diablo’ Fernandez, Manaha’s Chief of Police, Krueger attempts to smash the drug ring, but he hasn’t taken into account the beautiful and wild women, the decadent Arab Sheik, the grim drug baron, and patriotic and hot-blooded Muslin chieftain he’ll meet along the way. It’s a sexy, sultry, sweltering tale of adventure that’s … “Hotter than Hell!”