HueTrition creates a healthy lifestyle change that lasts. It is NOT a diet, but if you have been struggling to lose weight and you take the HueChallenge described at the back of this book even for 2 weeks, you will begin to substitute your snacks and side dishes with colorful vegetables. During this time, you will not only begin to notice improvements in your energy levels and weight, but more importantly, you will be on your way to fool-proofing yourself against chronic disease (coupled with regular physical activity of course!).
HueTrition creates a healthy lifestyle change that lasts. It is NOT a diet, but if you have been struggling to lose weight and you take the HueChallenge described at the back of this book even for 2 weeks, you will begin to substitute your snacks and side dishes with colorful vegetables. During this time, you will not only begin to notice improvements in your energy levels and weight, but more importantly, you will be on your way to fool-proofing yourself against chronic disease (coupled with regular physical activity of course!).