A fun read that will have you thinking in ways you never have before. Retirement planning isn't just about how much money you will need. I Quit explores various ways in which to spend your time that can also increase your self esteem and generate income for you. Learn new ways to approach problems disecting them into their component parts to turn Goliaths into Davids. You'll be putting what you read into use in your everyday life and discover things about yourself you never knew before. A great guide for those who want to live a fun and rewarding retirement life and remove as much of the worry from it as possible. A must read if you're thinking about retiring.
A fun read that will have you thinking in ways you never have before. Retirement planning isn't just about how much money you will need. I Quit explores various ways in which to spend your time that can also increase your self esteem and generate income for you. Learn new ways to approach problems disecting them into their component parts to turn Goliaths into Davids. You'll be putting what you read into use in your everyday life and discover things about yourself you never knew before. A great guide for those who want to live a fun and rewarding retirement life and remove as much of the worry from it as possible. A must read if you're thinking about retiring.