There is no phrase or formula which occurs with greater frequency in the New Testament than this, “in Christ.” It sometimes varies in translations when “by” and “through” and “with” are used, and sometimes in the original text it changes in form, e.g. “in Christ Jesus,” “in him,” etc., but in all the two hundred times of its occurrence the principle is the same. In the whole range of Christian dogma there is nothing more expensive, and yet nothing less understood and appreciated. In one consummate declaration we are told that God has purposed to sum up all things in Christ (Eph. 1:10) and that outside of Him there is nothing which has any place in the eternal purpose and intention of God. The plan, the method, the resources, the times, the eternities, are "Christospheric." T.A-S
There is no phrase or formula which occurs with greater frequency in the New Testament than this, “in Christ.” It sometimes varies in translations when “by” and “through” and “with” are used, and sometimes in the original text it changes in form, e.g. “in Christ Jesus,” “in him,” etc., but in all the two hundred times of its occurrence the principle is the same. In the whole range of Christian dogma there is nothing more expensive, and yet nothing less understood and appreciated. In one consummate declaration we are told that God has purposed to sum up all things in Christ (Eph. 1:10) and that outside of Him there is nothing which has any place in the eternal purpose and intention of God. The plan, the method, the resources, the times, the eternities, are "Christospheric." T.A-S