An Exploration and Explanation Into True Christian Faith: I believe one of the most detrimental aspects to our Christian life is the way that faith has been and is being taught in the Church. Too many times I have heard people say: "I don't have the faith for that" or "I wish my faith was stronger", "I need to increase my faith" as if the burden to believe more or have more faith, is dependent on us. The faith which we have been taught is more about what we can do or believe in, this is what is known as "sense faith". A faith which is based not on or in God, but based solely upon what we know or can believe from our own experience and what we see might be possible.
An Exploration and Explanation Into True Christian Faith: I believe one of the most detrimental aspects to our Christian life is the way that faith has been and is being taught in the Church. Too many times I have heard people say: "I don't have the faith for that" or "I wish my faith was stronger", "I need to increase my faith" as if the burden to believe more or have more faith, is dependent on us. The faith which we have been taught is more about what we can do or believe in, this is what is known as "sense faith". A faith which is based not on or in God, but based solely upon what we know or can believe from our own experience and what we see might be possible.