Parents must question their own motives and expectations in regards to their child’s participation in a competitive sport. Was the activity imposed? Are they living vicariously through their child’s performance? It is important to establish what success means. Is it winning every game or is it improvement for one’s capabilities? Success is relative to age, to personality type, to stages of development, to physical constitution. Parents and coaches must learn to redirect their goals away from final outcomes. Above all, they need to learn that emotionally abusing kids is never worth it, not even in the name of hockey.
Parents must question their own motives and expectations in regards to their child’s participation in a competitive sport. Was the activity imposed? Are they living vicariously through their child’s performance? It is important to establish what success means. Is it winning every game or is it improvement for one’s capabilities? Success is relative to age, to personality type, to stages of development, to physical constitution. Parents and coaches must learn to redirect their goals away from final outcomes. Above all, they need to learn that emotionally abusing kids is never worth it, not even in the name of hockey.