In Volume 2 of the Max Krueger Adventure series, the war has been over for half a century, but neo-Nazi Ernst Mueller, son of SS Obersturmbannfuher Karl Mueller, knows where four million dollars worth of Japanese war booty is hidden in the savage mountains of the remote island of Alipoo in southern Verubia. With boat captain and tough former mercenary Max Krueger, he plans to find the treasure, but they have no idea of what – and who – is waiting for them on the perilous journey south. Gorgeous and passionate women, brave but doomed Muslim rebels, a brutal rapist, a ghostly copper mine…. and looming over their entire adventure: The Shadow of the Devil himself. It’s an exotic … erotic … heady adventure yarn!
In Volume 2 of the Max Krueger Adventure series, the war has been over for half a century, but neo-Nazi Ernst Mueller, son of SS Obersturmbannfuher Karl Mueller, knows where four million dollars worth of Japanese war booty is hidden in the savage mountains of the remote island of Alipoo in southern Verubia. With boat captain and tough former mercenary Max Krueger, he plans to find the treasure, but they have no idea of what – and who – is waiting for them on the perilous journey south. Gorgeous and passionate women, brave but doomed Muslim rebels, a brutal rapist, a ghostly copper mine…. and looming over their entire adventure: The Shadow of the Devil himself. It’s an exotic … erotic … heady adventure yarn!