Tango Argentino was the groundbreaking show that led to the renaissance of interest in Argentine Tango. It premiered in Paris, then conquered Broadway and, later, toured the whole world. It had enormous cultural influence on the understanding of tango history, music and dance, fashion, hair and makeup. After 7 years of research and writing, tango historian Antón Gazenbeek presents his in-depth book on the history of the show Tango Argentino. The book includes never before seen backstage photographs, memorabilia from the show and fascinating inside stories taken directly from personal interviews with all the surviving cast members. The book has an intimate narration that allows you to be a part of the show’s creation, its backstage dramas and onstage triumphs. This is a book not to be missed!
Tango Argentino was the groundbreaking show that led to the renaissance of interest in Argentine Tango. It premiered in Paris, then conquered Broadway and, later, toured the whole world. It had enormous cultural influence on the understanding of tango history, music and dance, fashion, hair and makeup. After 7 years of research and writing, tango historian Antón Gazenbeek presents his in-depth book on the history of the show Tango Argentino. The book includes never before seen backstage photographs, memorabilia from the show and fascinating inside stories taken directly from personal interviews with all the surviving cast members. The book has an intimate narration that allows you to be a part of the show’s creation, its backstage dramas and onstage triumphs. This is a book not to be missed!