This collection includes: The American Baron, Among the Brigands, A Castle in Spain, Cord and Creese, The Cryptogram, The Dodge Club, The Lady of the Ice, The Lily and the Cross, The Living Link, Lost in the Fog, and A Strange Mauscript Found ina Copper Cyliner. According to Wikipedia: "James De Mille (23 August 1833 28 January 1880) was a professor at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, and an early Canadian popular writer who published numerous works of popular fiction from the late 1860s through the 1870s."
This collection includes: The American Baron, Among the Brigands, A Castle in Spain, Cord and Creese, The Cryptogram, The Dodge Club, The Lady of the Ice, The Lily and the Cross, The Living Link, Lost in the Fog, and A Strange Mauscript Found ina Copper Cyliner. According to Wikipedia: "James De Mille (23 August 1833 28 January 1880) was a professor at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, and an early Canadian popular writer who published numerous works of popular fiction from the late 1860s through the 1870s."