Despite humble beginnings on Corn Island in 1778, the city of Louisville has grown to legendary status. Courageous individuals have worked together overcoming hardships, defeating enemies, celebrating victories, and laying the foundation for our river city. Louisville is the home of many legends including boxing great Muhammad Ali, William Clark (of the famed Lewis and Clark Expedition), baseball star Pee Wee Reece, Academy Award�winner Jennifer Lawrence, Pulitzer Prize�winner Marsha Norman, broadcast journalist Diane Sawyer, sculptor Ed Hamilton, and author Hunter S. Thompson. Other legends who have called Louisville home include Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Harland Sanders, actor Tom Cruise, and inventor Thomas Edison. Louisville boasts the nation�s largest annual fireworks display, the world�s largest baseball bat, and �The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports� also known as the Kentucky Derby. You are invited to read about these and more exceptional folks who have shaped our eclectic city called Louisville.
Despite humble beginnings on Corn Island in 1778, the city of Louisville has grown to legendary status. Courageous individuals have worked together overcoming hardships, defeating enemies, celebrating victories, and laying the foundation for our river city. Louisville is the home of many legends including boxing great Muhammad Ali, William Clark (of the famed Lewis and Clark Expedition), baseball star Pee Wee Reece, Academy Award�winner Jennifer Lawrence, Pulitzer Prize�winner Marsha Norman, broadcast journalist Diane Sawyer, sculptor Ed Hamilton, and author Hunter S. Thompson. Other legends who have called Louisville home include Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Harland Sanders, actor Tom Cruise, and inventor Thomas Edison. Louisville boasts the nation�s largest annual fireworks display, the world�s largest baseball bat, and �The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports� also known as the Kentucky Derby. You are invited to read about these and more exceptional folks who have shaped our eclectic city called Louisville.