Letters to the River places the struggles and crises we currently face — personal, political, moral, ecological and spiritual — within the context of a mythic and heroic journey. In doing so, it forms a bridge between the left side and the right — the practical, daily life we can neither ignore or avoid, and the enchanted, shimmering world reported by sages and shamans throughout the millennia. Letters to the River points the way to a path that's deep and soulful. It speaks eloquently to our reason (the right side) about the territory we need to explore and the issues we must face to find that “dream worth living.” But it does not stop there. In the “Letters” themselves we hear the beckoning of the left side, the call of the soul within that magical, alluring dream. And in so doing, we sense who we might become if our soul not only found its voice, but began to sing, loudly, one breathtaking song.
Letters to the River places the struggles and crises we currently face — personal, political, moral, ecological and spiritual — within the context of a mythic and heroic journey. In doing so, it forms a bridge between the left side and the right — the practical, daily life we can neither ignore or avoid, and the enchanted, shimmering world reported by sages and shamans throughout the millennia. Letters to the River points the way to a path that's deep and soulful. It speaks eloquently to our reason (the right side) about the territory we need to explore and the issues we must face to find that “dream worth living.” But it does not stop there. In the “Letters” themselves we hear the beckoning of the left side, the call of the soul within that magical, alluring dream. And in so doing, we sense who we might become if our soul not only found its voice, but began to sing, loudly, one breathtaking song.