Pastor Dan Funkhouser and his wife Penny began their walk with Jesus in October of 1973. Since that time, they have been truly amazed and blessed by the opportunities they have had to advance the cause of Jesus in our world. This book, Life Lessons of a Wet Water Walker, is a tribute to what the Lord has taught them about His Kingdom and how every believer can live in the Kingdom and experience all of its glorious riches in the here and now! They want to share the life-giving truth that so many believers today simply have not grasped: God has expressly granted the authority, power, and rights of the Kingdom to each and every believer upon salvation.
Pastor Dan Funkhouser and his wife Penny began their walk with Jesus in October of 1973. Since that time, they have been truly amazed and blessed by the opportunities they have had to advance the cause of Jesus in our world. This book, Life Lessons of a Wet Water Walker, is a tribute to what the Lord has taught them about His Kingdom and how every believer can live in the Kingdom and experience all of its glorious riches in the here and now! They want to share the life-giving truth that so many believers today simply have not grasped: God has expressly granted the authority, power, and rights of the Kingdom to each and every believer upon salvation.