In the early 1980’s, muzzleloaders across the United States nicknamed Shari Wannemacher the “Erma Bombeck of Muzzleloading” for her humorous, often touching fictional stories based real life people and events, published in the prestigious Muzzleloader and Muzzle Blasts magazines and The Book of Buckskinning. In numerous letters to the editor, readers praised and identified with Wannemacher’s stories of the buckskinner’s life and the efforts of her husband Whitey. And now Wannemacher’s stories are collected in one entertaining anthology, along with new true stories describing her unlikely meeting with Whitey and the life-style and talents that combined their destinies and ultimately led them to separate lives. Among the stories: the time Whitey tried to tan a hide; why Whitey failed to pitch his tipi; a look at muzzleloader secrets; how to take care of a muzzleloader husband; romance, buckskinner-style; how Whitey introduced Shari into his buckskinning life; the delights and challenges for a woman sharing life with a buckskinner companion; and how to find your place within historical context of buckskinning.
In the early 1980’s, muzzleloaders across the United States nicknamed Shari Wannemacher the “Erma Bombeck of Muzzleloading” for her humorous, often touching fictional stories based real life people and events, published in the prestigious Muzzleloader and Muzzle Blasts magazines and The Book of Buckskinning. In numerous letters to the editor, readers praised and identified with Wannemacher’s stories of the buckskinner’s life and the efforts of her husband Whitey. And now Wannemacher’s stories are collected in one entertaining anthology, along with new true stories describing her unlikely meeting with Whitey and the life-style and talents that combined their destinies and ultimately led them to separate lives. Among the stories: the time Whitey tried to tan a hide; why Whitey failed to pitch his tipi; a look at muzzleloader secrets; how to take care of a muzzleloader husband; romance, buckskinner-style; how Whitey introduced Shari into his buckskinning life; the delights and challenges for a woman sharing life with a buckskinner companion; and how to find your place within historical context of buckskinning.