This autobiographical-cum-philosophical journal is intended to complement, if from a vastly more evolved standpoint, the author's fictitious journal 'Limits' (1976), which tended to focus on physical and domestic limits. In 'Limitless', by contrast, there are seemingly few if any such limits, particularly where its philosophical and analytical elements are concerned, and it therefore takes John O'Loughlin's writings to a logical summit which may very well be a conclusion and kind of eschatological apotheosis. For it is doubtful whether he has written anything better.
This autobiographical-cum-philosophical journal is intended to complement, if from a vastly more evolved standpoint, the author's fictitious journal 'Limits' (1976), which tended to focus on physical and domestic limits. In 'Limitless', by contrast, there are seemingly few if any such limits, particularly where its philosophical and analytical elements are concerned, and it therefore takes John O'Loughlin's writings to a logical summit which may very well be a conclusion and kind of eschatological apotheosis. For it is doubtful whether he has written anything better.