In the classic romance novel Little Eve Edgarton, an improbable romance blossoms between two characters who under most circumstances would never give one another the time of day. Eve is a shy girl who is remarkably talented and intellectually gifted, while her eventual beau Jim Barton is a social climber and dandy who tends to focus on the superficial. How will these two polar opposites wind up in love? Read Little Eve Edgarton to find out.
In the classic romance novel Little Eve Edgarton, an improbable romance blossoms between two characters who under most circumstances would never give one another the time of day. Eve is a shy girl who is remarkably talented and intellectually gifted, while her eventual beau Jim Barton is a social climber and dandy who tends to focus on the superficial. How will these two polar opposites wind up in love? Read Little Eve Edgarton to find out.