In today's cash-strapped times, watching what you spend has never been more important to so many people. Look After The Pennies is the essential handbook for Austerity Britain, offering practical, user-friendly advice on how to live your life in the most money-friendly way possible. The book includes sections on: • ideas for keeping household expenses low • savvy supermarket shopping • tips on tackling clothing sales • suggestions for cheap social activities • making the most of money-off vouchers • buying a property without breaking the bank • getting your water, gas and electricity for less • travel tips and holidays. The possibilities are endless! Informed by the results of extensive research and the specialist expertise of author Tess Read - finance journalist, former Bank of England employee and cash-savvy mother of three - this book has the ideas, solutions and know-how to save you a bundle of cash.
In today's cash-strapped times, watching what you spend has never been more important to so many people. Look After The Pennies is the essential handbook for Austerity Britain, offering practical, user-friendly advice on how to live your life in the most money-friendly way possible. The book includes sections on: • ideas for keeping household expenses low • savvy supermarket shopping • tips on tackling clothing sales • suggestions for cheap social activities • making the most of money-off vouchers • buying a property without breaking the bank • getting your water, gas and electricity for less • travel tips and holidays. The possibilities are endless! Informed by the results of extensive research and the specialist expertise of author Tess Read - finance journalist, former Bank of England employee and cash-savvy mother of three - this book has the ideas, solutions and know-how to save you a bundle of cash.