Jane Smith is from our world, a world filled with Humans, normalcy, and average days. Jane and Nikki, her twelve year old daughter, enjoy life at home, even if it is a little drab from time to time. Neither would trade it for anything, as our world is all that they have come to know. Everything goes topsy-turvy when a stranger shows up upon a flash of light in her backyard during a storm. The man calls himself Arminas, and says he is here to take her back to where she is not who she thinks she is. Apparently the 'Chosen One', Jane has no idea what to expect for her and Nikki in this strange and warring world of the unknown and hostile.
Jane Smith is from our world, a world filled with Humans, normalcy, and average days. Jane and Nikki, her twelve year old daughter, enjoy life at home, even if it is a little drab from time to time. Neither would trade it for anything, as our world is all that they have come to know. Everything goes topsy-turvy when a stranger shows up upon a flash of light in her backyard during a storm. The man calls himself Arminas, and says he is here to take her back to where she is not who she thinks she is. Apparently the 'Chosen One', Jane has no idea what to expect for her and Nikki in this strange and warring world of the unknown and hostile.