Delaney Cooper lives in Concord, Massachusetts with her uncle and aunt, Richard and Sarah Fuller, and their son Aaron. The family purchases and lovingly renovates and restores a historic colonial home. Upon moving in Laney discovers something very unusual and magical about her room…and comes face to face with someone she never should have been able to meet. Samuel Bradford is a young man caught up in the challenges facing colonial America. Once Laney and Samuel find each other will the timeless connection be enough to save Samuel and keep them together?
Delaney Cooper lives in Concord, Massachusetts with her uncle and aunt, Richard and Sarah Fuller, and their son Aaron. The family purchases and lovingly renovates and restores a historic colonial home. Upon moving in Laney discovers something very unusual and magical about her room…and comes face to face with someone she never should have been able to meet. Samuel Bradford is a young man caught up in the challenges facing colonial America. Once Laney and Samuel find each other will the timeless connection be enough to save Samuel and keep them together?