Lucy, a young, bright art director with a successful advertising agency, suddenly finds herself facing an unreal and completely unexpected dilemma. Jonquil, her boss's gorgeous wife - and partner in the agency - gives her a stark choice of a sound spanking on her bare bottom or a black mark on her employment record. Reluctantly, Lucy submits to the humiliating punishment, but to her surprise she finds she gains far more than a clean slate. After a second spanking she begins to come to terms with the submissive side of her nature, and a sudden windfall allows her to buy a remote cottage in the country, where she gradually gives full rein to her feelings...
Lucy, a young, bright art director with a successful advertising agency, suddenly finds herself facing an unreal and completely unexpected dilemma. Jonquil, her boss's gorgeous wife - and partner in the agency - gives her a stark choice of a sound spanking on her bare bottom or a black mark on her employment record. Reluctantly, Lucy submits to the humiliating punishment, but to her surprise she finds she gains far more than a clean slate. After a second spanking she begins to come to terms with the submissive side of her nature, and a sudden windfall allows her to buy a remote cottage in the country, where she gradually gives full rein to her feelings...