Remembering passwords is a pain, but having to change every account’s password because one of your accounts got hacked is an even bigger hassle. That’s why allowing your Mac to manage your passwords for you makes everything so much easier—not to mention more secure. It saves you time, too. A whole cottage industry of applications can store and manage passwords for you. The best of the bunch is AgileBits’ 1Password.
This is a single short project. Other single short projects available for individual sale include:
- Childproof your Mac, with Mac OS X Lion
- Secure your Mac, with Mac OS X Lion
- Spruce up iTunes, by adding album art and lyrics and removing duplicate songs
- Video conferencing, with Mac OS X Lion
- Powering your home theater from your Mac
In addition, many more projects can be found in the 240 page
The Mac OS X Lion Project Book.