The role of the Pastor in providing leadership in the church is a very significant spiritual responsibility. The Church’s progress to a large extent will depend on the Pastor’s ability to identity potentials in the members of his Church and help to develop such potentials to profitable use. A potential is a dormant ability which a person has, it is an unused energy. Pastors; spiritual guides and life coaches raised by God to challenge their followers until the dormant abilities or latent potentials in them become potent. As a church worker, Disciple or a Minister of the Gospel, the knowledge of the will and the ways of God are very important. All Christian workers, Church Officers, Missionaries and Ministers of the Gospel are all Students in the College of Discipleship, where one can never graduate, no one has ever graduated and none can ever. This is an eternal course that leads on from stage to stage. Heaven is our goal. This book, Manual on Ministerial Training for Church Workers is designed for Ministerial Training that will help Church Leaders develop the potentials in the lives of their Church members.
The role of the Pastor in providing leadership in the church is a very significant spiritual responsibility. The Church’s progress to a large extent will depend on the Pastor’s ability to identity potentials in the members of his Church and help to develop such potentials to profitable use. A potential is a dormant ability which a person has, it is an unused energy. Pastors; spiritual guides and life coaches raised by God to challenge their followers until the dormant abilities or latent potentials in them become potent. As a church worker, Disciple or a Minister of the Gospel, the knowledge of the will and the ways of God are very important. All Christian workers, Church Officers, Missionaries and Ministers of the Gospel are all Students in the College of Discipleship, where one can never graduate, no one has ever graduated and none can ever. This is an eternal course that leads on from stage to stage. Heaven is our goal. This book, Manual on Ministerial Training for Church Workers is designed for Ministerial Training that will help Church Leaders develop the potentials in the lives of their Church members.