In 2019, an mysterious alien race called The Hive came to the planet Earth promising to bring peace, prosperity and Total Equality. Two years later, in 2021, you find yourself living a radically changed life as the small, pretty boyfriend of a woman who wants you to become the mother of her children. Will you finally give up your last shreds of resistance and accept your new life as a mother and wife? Or will you fight to reclaim your former masculinity? This story includes male and female cross-dressing, gender role switching, physical and mental feminization, and R-Rated sex scenes. I
In 2019, an mysterious alien race called The Hive came to the planet Earth promising to bring peace, prosperity and Total Equality. Two years later, in 2021, you find yourself living a radically changed life as the small, pretty boyfriend of a woman who wants you to become the mother of her children. Will you finally give up your last shreds of resistance and accept your new life as a mother and wife? Or will you fight to reclaim your former masculinity? This story includes male and female cross-dressing, gender role switching, physical and mental feminization, and R-Rated sex scenes. I