Matagorda County is centered in the Texas Coastal Bend at the crossroads of the Colorado River and the Gulf of Mexico. The name Matagorda, Spanish for �thick brush,� was derived from the canebrakes that formerly lined the extensive shoreline. This vast coastal prairie is rich in history and tradition, with its roots dating back to 1685 when the explorer LaSalle sailed into Matagorda Bay. Later Stephen F. Austin used the seaports of Matagorda and Brazoria to build his new colony. The Gulf of Mexico, the rivers, the rich agricultural soil, the natural habitat full of wild game and birds, and the determined spirit of the people make the cities of Bay City, Palacios, Blessing, Sargent, and Matagorda an exquisite mix of history and tradition.
Matagorda County is centered in the Texas Coastal Bend at the crossroads of the Colorado River and the Gulf of Mexico. The name Matagorda, Spanish for �thick brush,� was derived from the canebrakes that formerly lined the extensive shoreline. This vast coastal prairie is rich in history and tradition, with its roots dating back to 1685 when the explorer LaSalle sailed into Matagorda Bay. Later Stephen F. Austin used the seaports of Matagorda and Brazoria to build his new colony. The Gulf of Mexico, the rivers, the rich agricultural soil, the natural habitat full of wild game and birds, and the determined spirit of the people make the cities of Bay City, Palacios, Blessing, Sargent, and Matagorda an exquisite mix of history and tradition.