Kellie's memoir begins when she had her first encounter with the paranormal at the age of two. While not considering herself to have strong psychic abilities, she has, nonetheless, been both blessed and plagued with experiences she cannot always explain. These experiences have included both small and large events that have helped mold a view of the world that goes beyond the standard understanding of how things work. Kellie has seen ghosts, met her spirit guide, been administered to by angels, and has had several experiences with dreams and premonitions. As a Christian, Kellie has developed an open attitide about the spiritual realm and what it encompasses. She is the first to admit that she doesn't have all the answers, but certainly enjoys asking the important questions of life. This book explores the oddly normal with humor and insight. The author's desire in writing this book was to reach out to others with the hope of finding the commonality of the human experience.
Kellie's memoir begins when she had her first encounter with the paranormal at the age of two. While not considering herself to have strong psychic abilities, she has, nonetheless, been both blessed and plagued with experiences she cannot always explain. These experiences have included both small and large events that have helped mold a view of the world that goes beyond the standard understanding of how things work. Kellie has seen ghosts, met her spirit guide, been administered to by angels, and has had several experiences with dreams and premonitions. As a Christian, Kellie has developed an open attitide about the spiritual realm and what it encompasses. She is the first to admit that she doesn't have all the answers, but certainly enjoys asking the important questions of life. This book explores the oddly normal with humor and insight. The author's desire in writing this book was to reach out to others with the hope of finding the commonality of the human experience.