Thirteen-year-old Neto Lexan, an alien exchange student from Earth, is consumed by disturbing nightmares about his journey to Beta Mole. His uneasiness about these freaky flashbacks is magnified when he meets another student from Earth who is haunted by similar nightmares. Together Net and Shayna unravel a secret that could have a catastrophic effect on the entire universe. Suddenly, Shayna disappears and Net is determined to find her. Terrifying adventures await Net as he discovers that the people he trusts are somehow tied to the dark secret he is uncovering. Will he be able to save Shayna and solve the mystery before he becomes the next victim?
Thirteen-year-old Neto Lexan, an alien exchange student from Earth, is consumed by disturbing nightmares about his journey to Beta Mole. His uneasiness about these freaky flashbacks is magnified when he meets another student from Earth who is haunted by similar nightmares. Together Net and Shayna unravel a secret that could have a catastrophic effect on the entire universe. Suddenly, Shayna disappears and Net is determined to find her. Terrifying adventures await Net as he discovers that the people he trusts are somehow tied to the dark secret he is uncovering. Will he be able to save Shayna and solve the mystery before he becomes the next victim?