Should government take forty cents of every dollar you earn? Should the federal government, transfer 22% to millions who have done no work related to receiving your earnings? Are you familiar with Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution, spelling out what government may spend? Did you know that until 1913, the Constitution did not allow taxes on earnings? Insidious defined: harmful and destructive in a slow and gradual way Become aware of taxes, tax history, insidious government and what politicians have done and continue to do to you and for themselves. Learn, get involved, influence others—vote!
Should government take forty cents of every dollar you earn? Should the federal government, transfer 22% to millions who have done no work related to receiving your earnings? Are you familiar with Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution, spelling out what government may spend? Did you know that until 1913, the Constitution did not allow taxes on earnings? Insidious defined: harmful and destructive in a slow and gradual way Become aware of taxes, tax history, insidious government and what politicians have done and continue to do to you and for themselves. Learn, get involved, influence others—vote!