AWP Award Series in the Novel Thrust into the bizarre labyrinth of DC society, John MacManus struggles to rescue a bankrupt nonprofit while starting a family. Wackiness ensues. “...hilarious, page-turning prose....An absurd, funny first novel, similar to DeLillo’s White Noise, or a less nightmarish version of Kafka.” — Diego Báez, Booklist “Satire with a bite that leaves a mark, deftly accomplished fiction about the world of money and art, book lovers and writers, philanthropists and misanthropes. Once word about this entertaining new novel gets around Washington, he’ll never eat lunch in that town again.” —Alan Cheuse, author and book critic for NPR’s All Things Considered "...dry, bleak wit, unrelenting and consistently funny...the novel never loses its nuanced, dark and funny tone, all of which is tempered by a small kernel of warmth, love, and buried optimism at the core of the story.” —Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
AWP Award Series in the Novel Thrust into the bizarre labyrinth of DC society, John MacManus struggles to rescue a bankrupt nonprofit while starting a family. Wackiness ensues. “...hilarious, page-turning prose....An absurd, funny first novel, similar to DeLillo’s White Noise, or a less nightmarish version of Kafka.” — Diego Báez, Booklist “Satire with a bite that leaves a mark, deftly accomplished fiction about the world of money and art, book lovers and writers, philanthropists and misanthropes. Once word about this entertaining new novel gets around Washington, he’ll never eat lunch in that town again.” —Alan Cheuse, author and book critic for NPR’s All Things Considered "...dry, bleak wit, unrelenting and consistently funny...the novel never loses its nuanced, dark and funny tone, all of which is tempered by a small kernel of warmth, love, and buried optimism at the core of the story.” —Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe