Once Upon a Choice, a spellbinding fictional story, combines fascinating characters with metaphysical components, anchored by the infamous Tarot Cards. Meagan Hamiltons world seems to be unraveling overnight. A young wife and mother, Meagan begins to realize that her husband Ross, an international business man, may not be who he seems. His strange behavior, secretive meetings and sudden trips lead her to believe that he is living another life, one which may eventually prove harmful to her. Enjoy the wild ride with Meagan as she embraces lifes challenges as well as joys, and uncovers the synchronicity among seemingly random events.
Once Upon a Choice, a spellbinding fictional story, combines fascinating characters with metaphysical components, anchored by the infamous Tarot Cards. Meagan Hamiltons world seems to be unraveling overnight. A young wife and mother, Meagan begins to realize that her husband Ross, an international business man, may not be who he seems. His strange behavior, secretive meetings and sudden trips lead her to believe that he is living another life, one which may eventually prove harmful to her. Enjoy the wild ride with Meagan as she embraces lifes challenges as well as joys, and uncovers the synchronicity among seemingly random events.