Once upon an Easter brings to life the events of a young boy growing up in Guyana. The pages come to alive with folk art by artist Rowan Abbensetts. Once upon an Easter is a book that both adults and children will enjoy. The story moves and flows like a Caribbean lyrical song as dramatize in its finality. {At the same moment a big thunder and lightning flashed through the sky! Kit Man shouted Lego! Lego! Lego the rope! Away flew {Baby Gal}, into the thunder and lightning razor blades sparking Baby Gal on fire. Once upon an Easter
Once upon an Easter brings to life the events of a young boy growing up in Guyana. The pages come to alive with folk art by artist Rowan Abbensetts. Once upon an Easter is a book that both adults and children will enjoy. The story moves and flows like a Caribbean lyrical song as dramatize in its finality. {At the same moment a big thunder and lightning flashed through the sky! Kit Man shouted Lego! Lego! Lego the rope! Away flew {Baby Gal}, into the thunder and lightning razor blades sparking Baby Gal on fire. Once upon an Easter