Perseus X and the Galactic War The beginning of the Great Galactic War, in the universe, each galaxy was light years apart. In one galaxy, there were a hundred dimensions of special spirits, and star creatures. Planet Earth as we know it, lies only in the 3rd dimension. Eons passed, and there were ruptures of the dimensions in the universe. It was like the rippling on the surface of a pond, which made the universes encounter each other, face to face or dimension to dimension. On the Blue Planet, known as Earth, one man lived his life as a normal man, even though he was chosen. He had special skills. He could communicate to the God and the angels. He had a special power to see and hear strange sounds and the voices of spirits, that most people couldn’t do. He was able to catch different spirits, and hold them captive whenever he wanted to. His name was "Justin," a twenty-four-years-old man who grew up as a child with no friends. He could feel that offensive people thought that he was scary, or crazy. He didn't want to meet anyone new. Suddenly, there was one God. He had arrived in this Dimension. When Justin was ill, the God gave him his life power until he was cured. The God was “The Lord Elephant Head.” Justin had a special power from The Lord Elephant Head. He used his power to help people for a year. Unfortunately, a human body cannot endure a God’s power. He passed away after his twenty fifth birthday. Three days after his death, his spirit floated aimlessly through the universe. He met some special spirits, such as aliens, who were small, tiny, grey with larger eyes and met the three Gods of the Golden Era: Zeus (The highest God of the Golden Era.), Poseidon and Hades. He was extremely surprised, because all of his life he only met the Gods, ghosts and angels from Navagoth Era. He met different people too, some of them were good by nature and some were bad. So he realized that there were so many dimensions and universes that he had never heard of. The Three Gods gave him a special power and put his spirit into the Perseus being. "Soon there will be War of the Universe, you are required to join forces with Perseus in order to complete this battle. Two spirits will merge into one. From now on, I will call you 'Perseus.'" Zeus said. Perseus bowed then returned to Justin's body. He regained his consciousness; his family was very glad and surprised. While he spent time alone, he thought about the conversation he had with Zeus, trying to determine whether it was dream or reality. Perseus's spiritual energy answered that everything was the truth. He meditated and fell into mental concentration state, and he saw the events those Perseus has faced in the past life, since The Olympus and the Troy. The war with monsters, different beasts, and included life with his wife. His memories stopped at Andromeda. Perseus had left her in the Era of Atlantis. Perseus regretted his actions, and had travelled time by time through various dimensions in order to escape from the fact that he had made mistakes in the past. Perseus returned to the eternal battle, because of Zeus asked him for help. He came back to fight again. Every night when he slept, the mighty Gods, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades tested Perseus's mentality. He passed their tests and prepared himself for the upcoming battle.
Perseus X and the Galactic War The beginning of the Great Galactic War, in the universe, each galaxy was light years apart. In one galaxy, there were a hundred dimensions of special spirits, and star creatures. Planet Earth as we know it, lies only in the 3rd dimension. Eons passed, and there were ruptures of the dimensions in the universe. It was like the rippling on the surface of a pond, which made the universes encounter each other, face to face or dimension to dimension. On the Blue Planet, known as Earth, one man lived his life as a normal man, even though he was chosen. He had special skills. He could communicate to the God and the angels. He had a special power to see and hear strange sounds and the voices of spirits, that most people couldn’t do. He was able to catch different spirits, and hold them captive whenever he wanted to. His name was "Justin," a twenty-four-years-old man who grew up as a child with no friends. He could feel that offensive people thought that he was scary, or crazy. He didn't want to meet anyone new. Suddenly, there was one God. He had arrived in this Dimension. When Justin was ill, the God gave him his life power until he was cured. The God was “The Lord Elephant Head.” Justin had a special power from The Lord Elephant Head. He used his power to help people for a year. Unfortunately, a human body cannot endure a God’s power. He passed away after his twenty fifth birthday. Three days after his death, his spirit floated aimlessly through the universe. He met some special spirits, such as aliens, who were small, tiny, grey with larger eyes and met the three Gods of the Golden Era: Zeus (The highest God of the Golden Era.), Poseidon and Hades. He was extremely surprised, because all of his life he only met the Gods, ghosts and angels from Navagoth Era. He met different people too, some of them were good by nature and some were bad. So he realized that there were so many dimensions and universes that he had never heard of. The Three Gods gave him a special power and put his spirit into the Perseus being. "Soon there will be War of the Universe, you are required to join forces with Perseus in order to complete this battle. Two spirits will merge into one. From now on, I will call you 'Perseus.'" Zeus said. Perseus bowed then returned to Justin's body. He regained his consciousness; his family was very glad and surprised. While he spent time alone, he thought about the conversation he had with Zeus, trying to determine whether it was dream or reality. Perseus's spiritual energy answered that everything was the truth. He meditated and fell into mental concentration state, and he saw the events those Perseus has faced in the past life, since The Olympus and the Troy. The war with monsters, different beasts, and included life with his wife. His memories stopped at Andromeda. Perseus had left her in the Era of Atlantis. Perseus regretted his actions, and had travelled time by time through various dimensions in order to escape from the fact that he had made mistakes in the past. Perseus returned to the eternal battle, because of Zeus asked him for help. He came back to fight again. Every night when he slept, the mighty Gods, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades tested Perseus's mentality. He passed their tests and prepared himself for the upcoming battle.