At the end of the Heian Period (12th century), a hunter named Benta comes to Kyoto in search of his abducted fiancée, Obuu. Obuu is forced to become the attendant of a powerful man of the time, who wishes to cheat death and extend the life of his clan by obtaining the legendary phoenix. Meanwhile, dissent is brewing among a people fed up with their corrupt government. Kyoto is on the verge of a civil war!
At the end of the Heian Period (12th century), a hunter named Benta comes to Kyoto in search of his abducted fiancée, Obuu. Obuu is forced to become the attendant of a powerful man of the time, who wishes to cheat death and extend the life of his clan by obtaining the legendary phoenix. Meanwhile, dissent is brewing among a people fed up with their corrupt government. Kyoto is on the verge of a civil war!