“Pleasure Island” is a novel based on a nearly 35-year working life in the madness, absurdity and surprisingly rewarding bureaucratic world of a late 20th Century American corporation. Our Hero, of sorts, is an utterly inauspicious candidate for management. After 14-years as an hourly worker on rotating shift-work, he makes his first move of many, discovering quickly that he’s not the only faker with a glass-walled office. Caught between the unrealistic demands from above and the almost unmovable inertia of many of his legacy employees, he survives and even prospers, despite himself.
“Pleasure Island” is a novel based on a nearly 35-year working life in the madness, absurdity and surprisingly rewarding bureaucratic world of a late 20th Century American corporation. Our Hero, of sorts, is an utterly inauspicious candidate for management. After 14-years as an hourly worker on rotating shift-work, he makes his first move of many, discovering quickly that he’s not the only faker with a glass-walled office. Caught between the unrealistic demands from above and the almost unmovable inertia of many of his legacy employees, he survives and even prospers, despite himself.