'Post-Atomic Perspectives' combines essays, dialogues, aphorisms (conceived as lying somewhere in-between essays and maxims) with maxims in a 'multi-genre' format of original philosophy with a transcendental bias, and does so on a basis which affirms a certain post-atomic and post-human(ist) perspective on evolutionary progress which veers towards the messianic, without being in the least bit religiously conventional or conservative or, indeed, unduly pretentious.
'Post-Atomic Perspectives' combines essays, dialogues, aphorisms (conceived as lying somewhere in-between essays and maxims) with maxims in a 'multi-genre' format of original philosophy with a transcendental bias, and does so on a basis which affirms a certain post-atomic and post-human(ist) perspective on evolutionary progress which veers towards the messianic, without being in the least bit religiously conventional or conservative or, indeed, unduly pretentious.