Preaching is the commission given by the great preacher Jesus Christ. It is urgent because it communicates the essential gospel meant for the salvation of the perishing humanity. God is universal and people are local. The universal God became local in Jesus Christ through his incarnation. The saving gospel of Jesus Christ is necessary to communicate contextually.The majority of Indian Christians come from Dalit background. The ongoing development of Dalit Theology is helping to make the gospel relevant and effective. But the homiletic methodology being adapted in the Indian context is mostly from the West.In this scenario, Preaching Contextually searches for relevant methodology for Indian Dalits. For this purpose, contents of some sample sermons were analyzed homiletically to assess its relevance and to present a feasible method as a Dalit Homiletic.Prof Dr Júlio Cézar Adam (Brazil)This is a book which contributes enormously to homiletic research and science, not only in the Indian context, but also for other contexts, mainly those permeated by social ills and injustices. It is a necessary book for those who study and do homiletics mainly in the context of vulnerability.
Preaching is the commission given by the great preacher Jesus Christ. It is urgent because it communicates the essential gospel meant for the salvation of the perishing humanity. God is universal and people are local. The universal God became local in Jesus Christ through his incarnation. The saving gospel of Jesus Christ is necessary to communicate contextually.The majority of Indian Christians come from Dalit background. The ongoing development of Dalit Theology is helping to make the gospel relevant and effective. But the homiletic methodology being adapted in the Indian context is mostly from the West.In this scenario, Preaching Contextually searches for relevant methodology for Indian Dalits. For this purpose, contents of some sample sermons were analyzed homiletically to assess its relevance and to present a feasible method as a Dalit Homiletic.Prof Dr Júlio Cézar Adam (Brazil)This is a book which contributes enormously to homiletic research and science, not only in the Indian context, but also for other contexts, mainly those permeated by social ills and injustices. It is a necessary book for those who study and do homiletics mainly in the context of vulnerability.