How To Be Your Best In Every Aspect of Your Life If you want to perform at the highest level in your field, without sacrificing every other area of your life: you have reached your destination. In Recalculate: Directions for Driving Performance Success you will learn how to: Take care of business Deliver your best work Enjoy a great quality of life and Maintain excellent energy - while Recalculating when things do not go as planned. Walk through a list of outcomes to work toward over a twelve to twenty-four month period, elevate every area of your life, and track your progress as you go. The GPS GirlĀ® Karen Jacobsen shares many of the tools she uses on a daily basis, in her roles as a mother, wife, business owner, international speaker, concert performer and the voice in over 400 million GPS and smartphone devices around the world; to keep herself on track, even when things do not go as planned.
How To Be Your Best In Every Aspect of Your Life If you want to perform at the highest level in your field, without sacrificing every other area of your life: you have reached your destination. In Recalculate: Directions for Driving Performance Success you will learn how to: Take care of business Deliver your best work Enjoy a great quality of life and Maintain excellent energy - while Recalculating when things do not go as planned. Walk through a list of outcomes to work toward over a twelve to twenty-four month period, elevate every area of your life, and track your progress as you go. The GPS GirlĀ® Karen Jacobsen shares many of the tools she uses on a daily basis, in her roles as a mother, wife, business owner, international speaker, concert performer and the voice in over 400 million GPS and smartphone devices around the world; to keep herself on track, even when things do not go as planned.