Originally released in 1996 John Patrick's erotic anthology masterpiece Seduced contains a collection of fictional stories about young men who are seduced into a sex-world of leather BDSM and even "vanilla" encounters. How is one actually seduced? Is he willing? Is he coerced? Is he a participant? Those questions may or may not be answered and you decide if they are willing or not. As an added bonus John Patrick conducted a series of interviews with grown men who were seduced in their youth at the now infamous "Boyheaven." An interesting provocative evocative and page-turning read Seduced will keep your interest until the last sex-filled page.
Originally released in 1996 John Patrick's erotic anthology masterpiece Seduced contains a collection of fictional stories about young men who are seduced into a sex-world of leather BDSM and even "vanilla" encounters. How is one actually seduced? Is he willing? Is he coerced? Is he a participant? Those questions may or may not be answered and you decide if they are willing or not. As an added bonus John Patrick conducted a series of interviews with grown men who were seduced in their youth at the now infamous "Boyheaven." An interesting provocative evocative and page-turning read Seduced will keep your interest until the last sex-filled page.