The story revolves round the angelic and mysterious hermaphrodite Seraphita who seems to inspire love in all she meets. One of Balzac's most unusual novels which will appeal to lovers of the mystical and the supernatural 'Seraphita will be my master stroke. One can create a Goriot every day but one creates a Seraphita only once in a lifetime.' Honore de Balzac 'Never di Balzac approach the very ideal of Beauty as in this book.' Theophile Gautier
The story revolves round the angelic and mysterious hermaphrodite Seraphita who seems to inspire love in all she meets. One of Balzac's most unusual novels which will appeal to lovers of the mystical and the supernatural 'Seraphita will be my master stroke. One can create a Goriot every day but one creates a Seraphita only once in a lifetime.' Honore de Balzac 'Never di Balzac approach the very ideal of Beauty as in this book.' Theophile Gautier