Ever Wondered Why? Shell of Soul is the journey of discovery. The biggest SECRET is us. What we hold, ignore, absorbed and inherited through no fault of our own, however very much in action today. Controlling every part of us without consciousness understanding or acknowledgement. We are a cocktail of memories, emotions, mindsets and behavior that basically rule our lives. Bring into our reality and create our world. Have you ever wondered why we like or dislike different things even from the same upbringing and family conditioning? Have you ever wondered why you had the knowledge and ability to do something although no one has taught you in this life, but you know cognitively and are competent at doing it? An inner knowing and possibly a variety of abilities, it could be math’s, reading maps, languages, nurturing and caring, you know instinctively how to reproduce and look after a family well. You have a sense of knowing and self-responsibility, how to look after your self and others. Yet your siblings, parents and even your extended family don’t? Why is it that some are vegetarian and others meat eaters? Why are some clearly comfortable in the seawater and others fearful of it? I found answers to those questions through my exploration with Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (DARE), linked to womb origins, absorption, reincarnation and past event demise, with previous psychological and health disorders together with emotional entrapment! Have you ever wondered why we are all different? I have and with that research I have brought new visions to health and psychological disorders. Essentially we are the biggest secret! My quest found many areas and missing links to disorders and disease defaulting to the status quo. Birth, foetal origins and historical events highlighted as some of the missing links to disorders and disease. Continually diluting our new life back into old habits we no longer require, instead of new learning and discoveries that await us. It is not advisable to pour new wine into old bottles, as the new wine becomes contaminated! But we do this over and over again with our new life scripts bring with us the decay, negativity and extending restraints that has been part of our historical existence. Consequently we live virtual lives instead of the real life we have come to explore. I have found individuals only living a very small percentage of their present life script being overlaid with templates and patterns from previous incarnations. We have enough to cope with in this life. Add in the effects from past lives holding a template and map to revisit, we have a caldron of activity prevalent, triggering from our previous experiences and history. Hindering the present life script, keeping us entrapped in the old paradigm of suffering and historical ways, a map of previous demise and disorders as a base line to live, instead of living and learning the new available to us today. Essentially we live the paradigm of action replay cycle and circle a wheel that keeps us entrapped. When we deal with the hidden aspects at play with DARE we have many outcomes, including better health, additionally it also means that we bring less with us next time around. We clear our quantum field of future experiences and scenarios. Future life scripts are liberated from the demise of our history and reduces absorption of suffering into future generations, stopping the cycle and circle in its tracks. Logically to live life as it was planned without the inheritance interference… A true gift of DARE. Reincarnation can be compared to the best holiday you could have. You have put in all the pieces together, planned the itinerary, now you want the experience. Did it work out the way you planned? Or were there pitfalls? With each decline in a life script we become less of our true selves – we become a faded aspect. We are becoming a Shell of Soul…
Ever Wondered Why? Shell of Soul is the journey of discovery. The biggest SECRET is us. What we hold, ignore, absorbed and inherited through no fault of our own, however very much in action today. Controlling every part of us without consciousness understanding or acknowledgement. We are a cocktail of memories, emotions, mindsets and behavior that basically rule our lives. Bring into our reality and create our world. Have you ever wondered why we like or dislike different things even from the same upbringing and family conditioning? Have you ever wondered why you had the knowledge and ability to do something although no one has taught you in this life, but you know cognitively and are competent at doing it? An inner knowing and possibly a variety of abilities, it could be math’s, reading maps, languages, nurturing and caring, you know instinctively how to reproduce and look after a family well. You have a sense of knowing and self-responsibility, how to look after your self and others. Yet your siblings, parents and even your extended family don’t? Why is it that some are vegetarian and others meat eaters? Why are some clearly comfortable in the seawater and others fearful of it? I found answers to those questions through my exploration with Dissolve and Resolve Emotions (DARE), linked to womb origins, absorption, reincarnation and past event demise, with previous psychological and health disorders together with emotional entrapment! Have you ever wondered why we are all different? I have and with that research I have brought new visions to health and psychological disorders. Essentially we are the biggest secret! My quest found many areas and missing links to disorders and disease defaulting to the status quo. Birth, foetal origins and historical events highlighted as some of the missing links to disorders and disease. Continually diluting our new life back into old habits we no longer require, instead of new learning and discoveries that await us. It is not advisable to pour new wine into old bottles, as the new wine becomes contaminated! But we do this over and over again with our new life scripts bring with us the decay, negativity and extending restraints that has been part of our historical existence. Consequently we live virtual lives instead of the real life we have come to explore. I have found individuals only living a very small percentage of their present life script being overlaid with templates and patterns from previous incarnations. We have enough to cope with in this life. Add in the effects from past lives holding a template and map to revisit, we have a caldron of activity prevalent, triggering from our previous experiences and history. Hindering the present life script, keeping us entrapped in the old paradigm of suffering and historical ways, a map of previous demise and disorders as a base line to live, instead of living and learning the new available to us today. Essentially we live the paradigm of action replay cycle and circle a wheel that keeps us entrapped. When we deal with the hidden aspects at play with DARE we have many outcomes, including better health, additionally it also means that we bring less with us next time around. We clear our quantum field of future experiences and scenarios. Future life scripts are liberated from the demise of our history and reduces absorption of suffering into future generations, stopping the cycle and circle in its tracks. Logically to live life as it was planned without the inheritance interference… A true gift of DARE. Reincarnation can be compared to the best holiday you could have. You have put in all the pieces together, planned the itinerary, now you want the experience. Did it work out the way you planned? Or were there pitfalls? With each decline in a life script we become less of our true selves – we become a faded aspect. We are becoming a Shell of Soul…