During a two-day respite in World War I in France, destiny entangles the lives of three young men: Patrick, who is Anglo-Irish, and Harry, an Australian, accidentally meet Karl, an enemy soldier. Karl is seriously injured and the two allies are forced to measure their humanity against their military training. Should they comfort the German? Should they let him die alone? As the story unfolds, it reveals details about the differences in the civilian lives of the three young men. Decisions are made and, for a little while, the war is only about three young men. Siege of Contraries contains painful memories about survivor guilt and judgements about the importance of nationalities.
During a two-day respite in World War I in France, destiny entangles the lives of three young men: Patrick, who is Anglo-Irish, and Harry, an Australian, accidentally meet Karl, an enemy soldier. Karl is seriously injured and the two allies are forced to measure their humanity against their military training. Should they comfort the German? Should they let him die alone? As the story unfolds, it reveals details about the differences in the civilian lives of the three young men. Decisions are made and, for a little while, the war is only about three young men. Siege of Contraries contains painful memories about survivor guilt and judgements about the importance of nationalities.