In one night, the lives of Bill DuPlacey and his young son Joey change forever. Bill's wife, Joey's mother, is found brutally murdered and all fingers point at Bill. 20 years later, Joey's only ambition in life is to make enough money to prove his father is innocent and get him released from jail. Unfortunately Joey's meager living as a street thief and a hustler has never earned the kind of money needed to prove Bill's innocence, that is , until his reputation garners the attention of his girlfriend's father, Sal Del Sarto, the most powerful mobster in the city. Joey is given a chance at the big score, enough money to free his father and leave his life of crime behind him. Plan and practice are two different things though and Joey soon discovers that there may be more to this heist than he was told. Could his new mob cohorts be planning something else for Joey? Could they know the secret of what really happened the night that his mother was killed?
In one night, the lives of Bill DuPlacey and his young son Joey change forever. Bill's wife, Joey's mother, is found brutally murdered and all fingers point at Bill. 20 years later, Joey's only ambition in life is to make enough money to prove his father is innocent and get him released from jail. Unfortunately Joey's meager living as a street thief and a hustler has never earned the kind of money needed to prove Bill's innocence, that is , until his reputation garners the attention of his girlfriend's father, Sal Del Sarto, the most powerful mobster in the city. Joey is given a chance at the big score, enough money to free his father and leave his life of crime behind him. Plan and practice are two different things though and Joey soon discovers that there may be more to this heist than he was told. Could his new mob cohorts be planning something else for Joey? Could they know the secret of what really happened the night that his mother was killed?