This project brings the ideological philosophy of Social Transcendentalism more or less systematically into the open for the first time, and does so from a variety of genre perspectives - essays, dialogues, aphorisms and maxims - with a view to examining and propounding the ideology in question from as many different philosophical angles as possible. As suggested by the title, the end is transcendental, but the means are socialistic (which is not the same as socialism, since transcendentalism remains the fulcrum and therefore determines the form of what is less than transcendent), and therefore aimed at taking the masses of a specific type of society to an entirely new ideological destination by dint of the fact that the impetus for this stems not from below (as in socialism) but from above, in relation to a kind of messianic resolve affiliated with all things transcendent. The cover depicts a white-on-black Social Transcendentalist emblem conceived by the author himself.
This project brings the ideological philosophy of Social Transcendentalism more or less systematically into the open for the first time, and does so from a variety of genre perspectives - essays, dialogues, aphorisms and maxims - with a view to examining and propounding the ideology in question from as many different philosophical angles as possible. As suggested by the title, the end is transcendental, but the means are socialistic (which is not the same as socialism, since transcendentalism remains the fulcrum and therefore determines the form of what is less than transcendent), and therefore aimed at taking the masses of a specific type of society to an entirely new ideological destination by dint of the fact that the impetus for this stems not from below (as in socialism) but from above, in relation to a kind of messianic resolve affiliated with all things transcendent. The cover depicts a white-on-black Social Transcendentalist emblem conceived by the author himself.