"Alex David Moehlman was born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect on September 6, 2008. His diagnosis of Down syndrome was a surprise to us, due to the fact that we chose not to have any of the genetic testing done. The decision for not testing was based on the simple fact that the results would never change our decision to have him. My story entails his birth that happened around the same time as Hurricane Ike hit Houston, TX and living the first week with no electricity, adjusting to the steep learning curve that our family faces every day, along with weekly therapies. Throw in a nine hour open heart surgery to correct a heart defect at 4 months of age, as well as dealing with other medical procedures sums up the first year of his life. My husband and I are also raising two other children and both have full-time careers. How does one juggle it all? I chose to share our story to comfort new mothers of children born with special needs. Our faith and strong family support gives us the power to get through each day. Also included is a short essay that our oldest son Tyler wrote about the hole in his brother's heart. This essay has touched the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to read it."
"Alex David Moehlman was born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect on September 6, 2008. His diagnosis of Down syndrome was a surprise to us, due to the fact that we chose not to have any of the genetic testing done. The decision for not testing was based on the simple fact that the results would never change our decision to have him. My story entails his birth that happened around the same time as Hurricane Ike hit Houston, TX and living the first week with no electricity, adjusting to the steep learning curve that our family faces every day, along with weekly therapies. Throw in a nine hour open heart surgery to correct a heart defect at 4 months of age, as well as dealing with other medical procedures sums up the first year of his life. My husband and I are also raising two other children and both have full-time careers. How does one juggle it all? I chose to share our story to comfort new mothers of children born with special needs. Our faith and strong family support gives us the power to get through each day. Also included is a short essay that our oldest son Tyler wrote about the hole in his brother's heart. This essay has touched the hearts of those who have been fortunate enough to read it."