Trial by Fire, the first Stargate SG-1 novel from Fandemonium Books, follows the team as they embark on a mission to Tyros, an ancient society teetering on the brink of war. A pious people, the Tyreans are devoted to the Canaanite deity, Meleq. When their spiritual leader is savagely murdered during a mission of peace, they beg SG-1 for help against their sworn enemies, the Phrygians.
Trial by Fire, the first Stargate SG-1 novel from Fandemonium Books, follows the team as they embark on a mission to Tyros, an ancient society teetering on the brink of war. A pious people, the Tyreans are devoted to the Canaanite deity, Meleq. When their spiritual leader is savagely murdered during a mission of peace, they beg SG-1 for help against their sworn enemies, the Phrygians.