Following the prequel, Starlight Ecstasy, book 1 in the Starlight series continues the story of John and Samantha...John plans a new strategy in his loving of Samantha: to touch her with all the love a felinus can offer, but in slow measures. One thousand and one nights - it might be enough time for the first two levels… They have shared ecstasy, now it is rapture, the prelude to convergence. But no one realises that for John and Sam and the other shifters, time is running out. A renegade starlord wants Sam for his own pleasure, no matter the cost, no matter who has to die…
Following the prequel, Starlight Ecstasy, book 1 in the Starlight series continues the story of John and Samantha...John plans a new strategy in his loving of Samantha: to touch her with all the love a felinus can offer, but in slow measures. One thousand and one nights - it might be enough time for the first two levels… They have shared ecstasy, now it is rapture, the prelude to convergence. But no one realises that for John and Sam and the other shifters, time is running out. A renegade starlord wants Sam for his own pleasure, no matter the cost, no matter who has to die…