Struthers is the story of a small town in northeastern Ohio. The town began with the stumbling start of John Struthers as he chased a band of marauding Native Americans through the valley. He later came to settle in what would eventually be Yellow Creek Park. He lost a son and most of his fortune after the War of 1812. Later another son, Thomas, would return as a wealthy entrepreneur to reclaim the family land in his father�s memory and help develop the town. The steel industry played a large role in shaping Struthers, as have Yellow Creek Park and Lake Hamilton by offering its hardworking residents places of beauty to relax and enjoy. The historic images in this book capture moments in everyday life in Struthers, from its incorporation to present day. This book is for longtime residents, newcomers, and passersby alike so they may treasure and remember Struthers�s history for years to come.
Struthers is the story of a small town in northeastern Ohio. The town began with the stumbling start of John Struthers as he chased a band of marauding Native Americans through the valley. He later came to settle in what would eventually be Yellow Creek Park. He lost a son and most of his fortune after the War of 1812. Later another son, Thomas, would return as a wealthy entrepreneur to reclaim the family land in his father�s memory and help develop the town. The steel industry played a large role in shaping Struthers, as have Yellow Creek Park and Lake Hamilton by offering its hardworking residents places of beauty to relax and enjoy. The historic images in this book capture moments in everyday life in Struthers, from its incorporation to present day. This book is for longtime residents, newcomers, and passersby alike so they may treasure and remember Struthers�s history for years to come.