This suspenseful account of real-life experiences weaves its way through the haze of a comatose, brain-damaged Vietnam veterans memories of childhood. His was a childhood filled with the horrors of physical, mental, and sexual abuse perpetrated by those who should have been his protectors.----Journey back to the 1950s, a time when children were little more than chattel, and when the understanding of abuse and its effect on the victims future was just barely emerging. The chillingly real pleadings of a young Anton paints a harsh but true picture of child abuse.-----For three long months, Anton is suspended between his past and now in a comatose state. His story is simply too unbelievable to be fiction, yet too real not to be. It is captured in the first person, as he weaves a tale that will tear at your heartstrings, yet give hope to all who have endured the realities of abuse.
This suspenseful account of real-life experiences weaves its way through the haze of a comatose, brain-damaged Vietnam veterans memories of childhood. His was a childhood filled with the horrors of physical, mental, and sexual abuse perpetrated by those who should have been his protectors.----Journey back to the 1950s, a time when children were little more than chattel, and when the understanding of abuse and its effect on the victims future was just barely emerging. The chillingly real pleadings of a young Anton paints a harsh but true picture of child abuse.-----For three long months, Anton is suspended between his past and now in a comatose state. His story is simply too unbelievable to be fiction, yet too real not to be. It is captured in the first person, as he weaves a tale that will tear at your heartstrings, yet give hope to all who have endured the realities of abuse.