Set against the backdrop of over one hundred years of world history, Take a Walk on the Bright Side begins with the story of Eugene Bright’s restless, entrepreneurial grandfather, Tom Bright, who uprooted his young family in 1907 to travel west and build a homestead in Saskatchewan. A few years later, he moved on and started over again in Montana, only to flee the United States when a confrontation with a neighbour turned dangerous. Tom was a colourful character who was married six times – twice to the same woman. Eugene’s father, Ray Bright, left home at eighteen to work as a cowboy in Montana before marrying Lottie Sampson and settling down in Ontario to start farming. Although Lottie did not want any children, they had four boys and four girls. The family lived without running water or electricity, but they “ate like kings” according to a hired man. Eugene and his brothers and sisters walked across neighbouring fields to a one-room schoolhouse run by an outstanding teacher. Eugene worked hard on the farm and at school, and he went on to attend bible college and university, beginning a thirty-one-year career as a teacher, a school principal and a “master” at a teachers’ college. Told by the decade and extensively illustrated, Take a Walk on the Bright Side is a multi-generational tale brought to life by a keen observer.
Set against the backdrop of over one hundred years of world history, Take a Walk on the Bright Side begins with the story of Eugene Bright’s restless, entrepreneurial grandfather, Tom Bright, who uprooted his young family in 1907 to travel west and build a homestead in Saskatchewan. A few years later, he moved on and started over again in Montana, only to flee the United States when a confrontation with a neighbour turned dangerous. Tom was a colourful character who was married six times – twice to the same woman. Eugene’s father, Ray Bright, left home at eighteen to work as a cowboy in Montana before marrying Lottie Sampson and settling down in Ontario to start farming. Although Lottie did not want any children, they had four boys and four girls. The family lived without running water or electricity, but they “ate like kings” according to a hired man. Eugene and his brothers and sisters walked across neighbouring fields to a one-room schoolhouse run by an outstanding teacher. Eugene worked hard on the farm and at school, and he went on to attend bible college and university, beginning a thirty-one-year career as a teacher, a school principal and a “master” at a teachers’ college. Told by the decade and extensively illustrated, Take a Walk on the Bright Side is a multi-generational tale brought to life by a keen observer.