This terrifying issue of Tales of Horror contains the following stories...
A jilted millionaire seeks an aquatic revenge in "The Thing in the Pool" A scheming ship hand may regret stealing a temple's jewels in "The Hand of Jao Tze" Jack the Ripper is brought back from the dead in "The Ripper's Return" A mad scientist teaches love and murder to his ferns in "Love from a Plant" and more classic vintage advertising.
First published in the 50's, Tales of Horror explores mysterious tales of gruesome monsters, fantasy and science fiction. Many popular comics and movies draw their roots from these mysterious, creepy and sometimes cheesy stories of terror.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.
This terrifying issue of Tales of Horror contains the following stories...
A jilted millionaire seeks an aquatic revenge in "The Thing in the Pool" A scheming ship hand may regret stealing a temple's jewels in "The Hand of Jao Tze" Jack the Ripper is brought back from the dead in "The Ripper's Return" A mad scientist teaches love and murder to his ferns in "Love from a Plant" and more classic vintage advertising.
First published in the 50's, Tales of Horror explores mysterious tales of gruesome monsters, fantasy and science fiction. Many popular comics and movies draw their roots from these mysterious, creepy and sometimes cheesy stories of terror.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.